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18 images'Las Mayas' is a pagan tradition that celebrates the arrival of the Spring worshipping young girls surrounded by flowers and offerings. This festivity has a Roman origin and is held during the first weekends of May in Madrid.
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42 images'Dance' of Cetina is a traditional dance performed by 8 kids, girls and boys, and conducted by two adults dressed with traditional shepherd costumes, honoring St. 'San Juan Lorenzo' and Virgin 'Virgen de Atocha'.
29 images'Contradanza' of Cetina (Zaragoza), is a contra dance performed by 8 men dressed in black and white costumes and one man dressed in red acting as the Devil. In 2011 the 'Contradanza' of Cetina was declared Immaterial Cultural Heritage of Aragon.
18 imagesDays before the festivities of 'San Juan Lorenzo', members of the brotherhoods, mainly women, prepared big ring-shaped pastries for decorate the paces that will be used during the procession that will be held during St. Juan Lorenzo festivities.
16 images'Las Mayas' is a pagan tradition that celebrates the arrival of the Spring worshipping young girls surrounded by flowers and offerings. This festivity has a Roman origin and is held during the first weekends of May in Madrid.
19 imagesThousands attended the procession of 'Santisimo Cristo de la Fe y del Perdon (Los Estudiantes)' during Palm Sunday. The procession started at Saint Michael’s Basilica and wound through the streets of Madrid.
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7 imagesDozens of people attended to Good Friday Stations of the Cross procession during Holy Week in Cetina, Zaragoza.
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18 imagesThe Madrid 2013 carnival parade is dedicated to the bicentenary of Giuseppe Verdi and Richard Wagner, composers who were both born in 1813. Different artistic companies and cultural associations of the city of Madrid performed during the parade.
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